100 Happy Days: 89

Moooooooose! Meet Moose. I happened to be at the rescue office today when his foster mom brought him and two of his siblings in for supplies and medicine (good medicine, not “I’m sick” medicine). I was pretty sure he needed to come home with me after he curled up and napped against me for as long as I was willing to hold him. But apparently his foster mom thinks he’s pretty great, too, so she took him when she left.

Even a crappy cell phone photo can’t diminish the charm of a teeny baby puppy.

12 thoughts on “100 Happy Days: 89”

      1. When I first brought Renee home she only chewed up one dowel in the wooded rocker I made for my mom to watch TV.
        Since Renee arrived after my mom died, she didn’t know anyone ever used the chair. Besides, it moved of its own accord whenever she touched it, and she was trying to kill it. Also she has never chewed on any of the pillows you made for her. Did you put some dog whispers on them?

        1. She is just a really good girl. =)

          Pixie has eaten small wooden things. Rex ate large wooden things. Pollock likes to destroy dog beds. We’re not sure if Penny does anything bad–she’s either very good or very good at not getting caught.

          But Margot and Guinness are the all time champion bed linen and quilt eaters–though not after they left the terrible twos, thank goodness.

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