February Photo A Day: Inside Your Fridge

I had just finished making the salad for tonight’s Craft Night dinner (ha, it’s takeout pizza, but at least I made a salad!) when I remembered what the challenge was for today’s photo. I always think other people’s refrigerator contents are a lot more intriguing than my own very basic stuff. Usually the bottom left drawer is full of fresh vegetables, but it’s time for a trip to the grocery store. My sister bought that bottle of wine (top shelf, left) in October. It still hasn’t been opened. Debby’s coming for a visit soon. Maybe we’ll finally uncork it!

Prompt from FMS Photo A Day.

12 thoughts on “February Photo A Day: Inside Your Fridge”

    1. I don’t know how it could have less food! But it’s true there is only one container with leftovers in there right now. Tom will take care of that at lunch either Saturday or Sunday.

    1. You not only had (and no doubt still have) the more exciting fridge contents, but comments were quite a bit more interesting in those days. They were the golden days of blogging, and I guess we can see why. Without SHM and MGH, the party’s over.

    2. This made me look back at MY refrigerator post from them, and damn, it looks like all the same stuff. I swear it’s been replaced many times in the five-plus years.

      Although there was a ton of stuff for the dogs, who were eating raw then. Now they eat Newman’s Own dry food.

  1. What happened with the raw diet? I used to love your chicken feet and guts entries, I hadn’t noticed they had gone the way of hump day happy. Also – are those three milks? I go through milk like you would not believe. I find that if I keep it in the door it does not get as cold as I need it. Are those potatoes in the crisper? If so why do you keep them in the fridge?

    1. I keep the potatoes in the refrigerator because everything has to be contained in some way since I have an aversion to bugs. My flour and cornmeal are in there, too, as well as baking mix. I don’t think potatoes are supposed to be kept in the refrigerator, but I don’t care. I buy small bags and we go through them fairly quickly.

      In the door, on the top shelf is fat-free Half and Half for my coffee. In the middle is 1% milk, and buttermilk that we use for cornbread, biscuits, and pancakes–there’s an extra smaller container of buttermilk that just hasn’t been used up yet and only has a little in it. Tom is the only one who uses milk (the 1%) for his cereal, and he doesn’t eat breakfast at home except on the weekends, so we buy the half-gallon sizes. Very rarely, I have a bowl of cereal, too. As you know, I don’t drink milk. (shudder)

      Guinness had skin problems on the raw diet, so we switched to Newman’s Own dry dog food for both dogs. They’re doing great with it.

      1. I did not know that you didn’t drink milk … I go through about a gallon and a half a week. I try to do skim … but I will take what is available. I couldn’t live without it.

          1. Well, it is shocking! You like cows! You are one of the most patriotic people I know and not liking milk seems Un-American. I think that is why you never get that free truck or car …. they want to give it to you, but they are afraid what other secrets might pop out. Like hating apple pie or teddy bears.

              1. I like Hebrew National hot dogs. I was grilling some the other day with hamburgers. This seemingly Americanized meal became diverted by all things French and Stylish, when I added Brie and Grey PouPon mustard.

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