Hump Day Happy–Bridge Edition

Seriously? If these dolls are the true 2010 Harley couple, I could probably resist the Barbie, but I MUST HAVE KEN. I think they’re using the Twilight Edward face mold for this doll. Minus the sparkle on the paint job, of course. Team Ken!

For those who want to see how Meesh is meeting the weekly Project Runway challenges with style–and deriving one of her looks from one of my past designs!–you can see her high-end and affordable fashions right here. Tres chic!

Finally, what kind of person would get up in the morning, build a bridge, and risk the well-being of a unicorn named Charlie for YOUR happiness? Me, that’s what kind. Please comment with a page number between between 1 and 611, and another number between 1 and 25, and a trio of unicorns will float through these pages to find you some happiness.

It’s a bridge, Charlie!
A bridge that Becky constructed from toothpicks and burlap string!
She’s an engineer, Charlie! A civil engineer made of hope and wonder!

(Note: I realize Charlie’s in a perilous position due to the length of the bridge.
That’s because between these books is not the bridge’s real destination.
And also, everybody’s a critic.)

22 thoughts on “Hump Day Happy–Bridge Edition”

    1. And the unicorns present you with “good things coming your way.”

      (A few items above, you could have gotten “Tiger Woods.” Oh, how the worm has turned.)

        1. Oh, by the time another edition rolls around, all could be forgiven. The public loves to tear ’em down, but can be forgiving IF their legends are appropriately remorseful.

          Though I have a feeling that principle is never going to work for John Edwards.

  1. Meesh’s low budget oufit is a perfect compliment to the inspiration piece.

    May I have Page 529 #13, please.

    Oh yeah, what did I say about putting hot make dolls at the beginning of a post?? LOL

    1. There’s nothing wrong with being distracted by a hot male doll, I always say.

      Hopefully, Meesh will see some of y’all’s praise here!

      And the unicorns offer up “the first day of biking.” Which means: end of snow!

    1. And then I made you wait forever because I’ve been buried in tax paperwork. But for you, the unicorns rush in with “progressive relaxation: tightening and then loosening various muscles.”

      1. No, you didn’t make me wait at all, I only just posted my comment a few minutes before you replied! Tax paperwork sounds awful. Maybe you need to choose yourself some happy too.

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