About the Penguins

The Brides hadn’t planned on a topper for their wedding cake. But Tim, aka the Wedding Bitch, saw these embracing penguins online. Rhonda has a thing for penguins, so he decided to surprise The Brides with this gift. They are heavy, and support was put in the cake for them. Still, they took a nosedive into the frosting during the decorating process, and we feared they might not work.

Solution! Roses up their butts and around their feet gave them extra support. No penguins were harmed during this wedding.

Tim also thought it would be fun to provide a groom’s cake, even though there were no grooms. I think it just had something to do with his chocolate lust. The reason it didn’t look as professional as the wedding cake is because a pro did the wedding cake. I did the groom’s cake. (Both cakes were delicious, however, because that same wedding cake pro taught me secrets for baking good cakes long ago.)

The Wedding Bitch was hoping we could find “cute” penguins for the groom’s cake. Penguins falling down. Penguins skating with each other. Penguins being penguinish. Unfortunately, finding a penguin in Houston at the last minute became more difficult than stalking the Wedding Bitch at the reception. Tom went on a quest and provided these two, and they did the job just fine.

I’m still not sure how The Brides felt about all the penguin surprises, but I hear their mothers loved them. My experience with weddings has taught me that pleasing brides’ mothers is no easy task, so that made me happy. I also overheard lots of compliments on the deliciousness of the cakes.

I kind of don’t ever want to taste cake again.

If you ever need penguin-themed items, The Penguin Place was the source for the cake topper. They got those penguins here FAST and in excellent condition.

3 thoughts on “About the Penguins”

  1. The penguins were AWESOME! We loved that they were there. I absolutely adored the embracing penguins. It reminded me of our morning “snuggle time” ritual. I need all of these photos somewhere!

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