Warning to Whippersnappers

Weird shit happens as you age. I’m not talking about the way things sag, wrinkle, and gray. Everyone knows that. I’m talking about brand loyalty.

I grew up a Crest kid. Oh, sure, I’d indulge myself in an occasional fling with an Aim or a Colgate. I was briefly tempted by Pearl Drops. (Mmmmm, it’s a great feeling!) Thanks to Farrah, there was even that summer interlude with Ultra-Brite. But I always came back to Crest.

Then there was Secret. You know, it was made FOR ME. A woman.

But as I entered my pre-menopausal years, things changed. Secret wasn’t so secret. I abandoned it for Which, oddly, smells good instead of like tennis shoes. And Crest seemed to lose its flavor. But so far, I just can’t give it up. Probably my last grin will be a Crest grin.

5 thoughts on “Warning to Whippersnappers”

  1. i love reading your journal.

    just sayin.

    i don’t always comment, cos i don’t have anything to add, but i enjoy it very much.

    thank you!

  2. I can’t give up Crest either. Something I swore I would never give up (when I was 10) was Love’s Baby Soft. Of course, I think I gave it up the next year, but sometimes I still miss the scent.

    1. It’s horrible that I can remember exact ads from my childhood. It truly shows the power of advertising.

      Like the female octopus with her eight sensitive underarms who said, “I USED to shave my underarms at night, no matter HOW tired I was…” for Soft ‘n Dri deoderant. Which I used for a little while, even though I wasn’t an octopus.

      When my nephew was three, I asked him how to spell “cheese.” He said, “K-R-A-F-T.” So I asked him how to spell “relief.” He said, “R-O-L-A-I-D-S.” He’s a drummer in a blues band now. You don’t have to spell.

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