My favorite topic

When I first met Tim, he had long hair, and I loved it. He was still living in NYC when he cut it off, and he sent me a little braid of it as a memento.

After he moved here, I begged him to grow it long again, and he did. He has great hair, so it looks good long. Plus, I don’t know. He does all these cool things that give him a rock star look. I know he didn’t keep it long just for me, but he definitely didn’t want to hear me whining if he decided to cut it, so it got longer and longer. Like this.

Last October, he started preparing me for a possible haircut. He knows me too well. By the time haircut day arrived, I was excited. Mostly. At the very least, I trust our hairdresser so much that I knew whatever happened, it would look good.

Still, this pile o’hair was a little scary.

And maybe this was, too.

But then…oh, my. I’d forgotten how shorter hair brings out his eyes and excellent bone structure.

Guinness seems to like it.

And Margot, who is very discerning, thought it was delicious!

My dogs are smart. I love Tim’s new haircut.

3 thoughts on “My favorite topic”

  1. Hmm…maybe I could post a bunch of red “X” marks and make witty caption for them…and people will think I’ve won the Nobel Prize, or climbed Mt. Everest… At first I couldn’t imagine Tim with short hair, then I saw his photo on his journal. He’s a whole new Tim!

    1. LOL!

      They’re loading on MY screen. They’re not loading on Tim’s either; he just checked for me. I must look into this and correct it immediately!

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